February 29, Davy Jones of the Monkees singing group from way-back-when died of a heart attack at age 66.
Some of us did a tribute to him on the train with singing of The Last Train to Clarksville and Daydream Believer. I recall your love of the Monkees and late nights listening to their records.
Some one asked where he was and Mike replied, "I don't know but he was in Pleasant Valley Sunday." We were all recalling our early days since a lot of us are about the same age range. Both Mike and Pamela said they still have their vinyl records.
George is a more recent arrival in the US. He didn't know who we were talking about until we got to Daydream Believer when he exclaimed, "oh, I know him" in his characteristic accent.
Then last night there was a reunion concert on the TV with Simon and Garfunkel singing a few of their old songs from that same era in our lives. They both looked so old, but I had to remind myself that I too had slipped the surly bonds of youth and was opining on their looks through equally older eyes.